Sunday, 8 July 2012

Day 1 (sort-a)

I am starting this a little early that I have to. But I have to get into the swing of things I think.

Want to know why I am here?



"Start a diary" she said to us all.

Just like that!

I am not against keeping a diary, not at all, but there is the whole trust issue there isn't there. There is something extremely vulnerable about leaving my thoughts just lying around for any Tom, Dick, Harry or PARENT to stumble across and start flicking through. Then again, it isn't like I have anything to hide, but it is the principle of the thing isn't it? (that is why I decided to go the electronic route - see there is a way round everything)

Of course the pom-pom brigade were all for it. I could see it all playing inside their heads as clearly as if their thoughts were being projected onto the classroom wall. They think that diary keeping is romantic. I have no idea why.

"Like, we could totally all be like Anne Frank," I had heard one of them squeal in excitement between doodling hearts on her ring-binder and popping her chewing gum.

Something tells me that she didn't read all the way to the end of that particular diary.

Sorry I should probably explain who the 'she' of the first sentence is shouldn't I.

'She' is Mrs Broddie, my English teacher. She used to be my favourite teacher but I am seriously thinking of re-considering her position on the teacher-scale.

The summer break is coming up in a couple of days - 4 to be precise - and in good teacher-torture-tradition she is issuing us with our sumer assignment. Namely, keep a diary, so that she can then read it when we return after the summer.

Yes, she was being serious.

How the heck she expects us to be honest in out diary keeping when we know she is going to be having a good read is beyond me.

My friend Jem proved my point when she prodded my back with the end of her pencil and leaned forward in her desk to whisper in my ear.

"I'm lying about everything,"

1 comment:

  1. Is this a story or your actual virtual diary? Either way, it sounds really cool!
